

Have you finished reading about  the stunning wonders and the spectacular Iguazu Falls?


Now let's test your comprehension.

1) Why was the Great Wall of China built?

2) Where is the Leaning Tower of Pisa situated?

3) The Taj Mahal is also known as ............?

4) What was the name of Shah Jahan's wife?

5) How many water falls are there in Iguazu Falls?

6) What is the name of the carving which adorns the walls of  Angkor Wat?

7) Name the other two pyramids beside the Great Pyramid of Giza.

8) When was the Great Wall of China built?

9) How many steps are there up to the top of the Leaning of the Tower of        Pisa?

10) What are the two countries which share the Iguazu Falls?

Can you answer all these questions? 

Get your teacher to check on your answers.

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