
Wednesday 28 December 2011


THE STUNNING WONDERS                    TSW 2011: Oral Presentation Assessment –       Marking                      Scheme (15%)


Content & Organisation (5%)
(Level of preparation/ relevant and interesting ideas/ effective introduction, body, conclusion)

Language Use (5%)

(Structural accuracy/ word choice and precision / fluency/ tone/ pronunciation/intonation/ pauses/stress etc.)
Delivery (5%)
(Techniques to involve audience, level of enthusiasm, effective body language and use of visual aids, timing)

Has evidently prepared all notes and support material extremely thoroughly. Uses topic and content very relevant to audience interests/needs
Introduction very clearly lays out the purpose & outline
Conclusion very clearly summarised and rounds off the talk
Body very well structured, with relevant ideas well connected by a wide range of connecting devices. Interesting information well-supported by examples. Convincing and interesting talk.
Uses a very wide range of grammar and vocabulary. Able to express ideas precisely..
Grammar and vocabulary choice usually accurate – comprehension not impeded
Very fluent and natural - Any pauses are consistent with natural speech
Consistently uses an appropriate tone for this topic.
Very clear pronunciation and good intonation.

Effective, well managed techniques used to involve the audience so that they consistently pay attention. Excellent rapport.
Natural, relaxed, very confident and enthusiastic.
Body language / eye contact consistently used with good effect.
Visual aids effectively integrated with presentation.  Visual aids clear and easy to follow.
Timing and pacing well managed and overall has been apparently rehearsed well, with appropriate weighting of different sections of the talk.

Has prepared notes and support materials well
Uses topic and content relevant to audience interests/needs.
Introduction clearly lays out the purpose & outline, but could be slightly more developed or relevant
Conclusion summarizes most of the main points
Generally well structured, with ideas connected by a good range of connecting devices.
A good number of relevant ideas, however sometimes lacks interesting support.
Uses a range of grammar and vocabulary to express ideas with reasonable precision or can paraphrase well.
Minor but noticeable errors in grammar and vocabulary choice, which rarely impede communication
Quite fluent – few pauses of any length related to searching for language.  Few unnatural pauses.
Tone generally appropriate for this topic, although occasionally faulty.  Minor pronunciation problems or slightly unnatural intonation
Techniques used to involve the audience are generally effective, and so they generally pay attention. Good rapport.
Natural and relaxed.   Fairly confident or overcomes initial nervousness.
Body language/eye contact usually used with good effect, although very occasionally lacking.
Visual aids used effectively, and mostly clear and easy to follow.
Timing well managed and overall has been apparently rehearsed, with appropriate weighting of different sections of the talk.

Has prepared adequate notes and support materials, but on one or two occasions appears to be less well prepared.
Uses topic and content generally relevant to audience interests/needs. Perhaps inclined to vagueness or to undue focus on a point of minor interest to audience.
Introduction and conclusion are both adequate, although could have been better developed. Body fairly well structured, with an adequate, if limited, number of connecting devices
Ideas lack development or relevance at times, and more support could have been provided.
Reasonable range of grammar and vocabulary, although perhaps limited ability to express ideas in a variety of ways. Occasionally forced to be somewhat imprecise in expression.  
Obvious/ moderately frequent errors in grammar and word choice that do not significantly impede communication.
Fairly fluent - Occasional noticeable pauses while searching for words or phrases. Or fluent with frequent hesitation / repetition.
Tone not always consistent, although overall OK for topic.
Possible pronunciation problems or monotonous intonation, but this does not significantly interfere with meaning.
Uses some involvement devices that are appropriate but limited, and so the audience may sometimes not pay attention.
Some rapport but audience attention is not fostered by the speaker’s delivery.
Appears fairly confident and enthusiastic, and controls nervousness although this may be quite evident. Or somewhat overconfident and blasé.
Over relies on notes.  Patchy eye contact.  Body language occasionally stiff, discouraging rapport.
Visual aids used quite effectively with perhaps a few errors in content or usage.
Timing slightly faulty but overall has apparently rehearsed the presentation, although weighting of different sections perhaps not ideal.

There is some evidence of preparation, but this is minimal.
Topic and content are not very relevant to most in the audience. Lacks interest appeal to this audience.
Introduction and conclusion present, but may be underdeveloped or ineffective
Sometimes confusing to follow because the ideas are not well connected AND/OR does not have many supporting examples.
Ideas limited in interest and/or relevance and/or depth.
Perhaps vague or undue specificity on a point of minor interest to some audience members.
Grammatical and vocabulary range restricted. Attempts to paraphrase sometimes fail.
Simple sentences are usually accurate but more complex language is less successful. Perhaps noticeable first language interference.
Grammatical, vocabulary or pronunciation errors interfere with communication, or a very restricted range is used AND/OR Word choice or form causes confusion.
Frequent hesitations while searching for what to say.
Lack of appropriate intonation. Pronunciation problems may cause more than occasional difficulty for the listener.
Little attempt to involve the audience: audience bored.  Appears to be talking mainly to self.
Appears less confident and enthusiastic.
Sometimes attempts eye contact but often reads from notes – often unable to speak without them.
Body language is very stiff
Visual aids are not clear / not complementary to the presentation or are poorly used and partially detract from talk.
Appears not properly prepared. Perhaps significant timing errors or has inappropriate weighting of different sections of the talk.
No evidence of planning and little interesting message.
Topic and content irrelevant to audience interests/needs. Vague and theoretical or much too focused.
No real introduction – unclear purpose, or purpose undefined
Talk ends without a conclusion
Body rambling and confusing, with no apparent linking of ideas.  Few, if any relevant examples or clear ideas. Poor development of the topic.
Grammatical and vocabulary range extremely restricted.  Rarely attempts paraphrase.
Frequent errors of many kinds, even with simple sentences. Difficult to follow and errors interfere with coherence.
Hesitant, frequent long pauses while searching for appropriate language affect coherence.
Pronunciation and/or intonation causes severe problems for the listener –difficult to understand
No attempt to involve the audience and they evidently do not pay attention throughout. No rapport. Very nervous and stilted. Hardly any eye contact.
Body language still, stiff and uncommunicative or very distracting gestures
Reads from notes frequently throughout the talk – apparently unable to speak without them or talk is totally/almost totally scripted.
Visual aids are unclear and confusing, and do not appear to relate to the topic or are poorly used or read from verbatim.
Timing faulty and has inappropriate weighting of different sections of the talk.
Did not participate in assessment.

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