
Monday 14 November 2011

The Stunning Wonders

What a treat,
What a throne,
Taj Mahal, here we meet,
The wonder of the majestic stone.
Taj Mahal

The Great Wall of China

Our hearts shrink,
The Great Wall, history of the past.
The thrill of admiring without a blink,
The memories linger and last.

The Pyramids of Giza

From Egypt's Pyramid to the Wat in Cambodia,
To the not-so-straight Tower of Pisa,
Striving through the test of time,
An experience of our lifetime.

Angkor Wat

The Leaning Tower of Pisa

Standing steadily,
Wondering dreamily,
We are thrilled with wonder,
Of the stunning wonders.

Video:  A glance on Ancient Wonders of the world....

Iguazu Falls

Iguazu Falls, or "big water" (originally Guarani) is a mammoth waterfall consisting a network of 275 different waterfalls spanning an area 3km wide.

Sitting on the IguazĂș River, it is shared by Argentina and Brazil as both countries are separated by the river.